Monday 13 November 2017

November, 13th 2017

Keceriaan yang sudah mulai Pupus

    Sebuah keceriaan terpancar dari wajah anak-anak ini,  dimana kita sangat jarang melihat mereka bermain lepas seperti waktu zaman kita dulu. Keadaan ini sangat jauh berbeda dengan zaman sebelumnya, dimana anak-anak bisa leluasa bermain bebas tanpa ada dinding pemisah antara kebutuhan Dan keperluan. 


   Zaman sekarang semuanya sudah tidak diperdulikan lagi mana kebutuhan Dan keperluan anak-anak, seperti saat anak-anak membutuhkan tempat untuk melepaskan semua imajinasi mereka Dan kreatifitas mereka,  mereka terhalang oleh tempat dan kemajuan zaman. Contoh kecil adalah saat Mereka bermain sepak bola, lompat tali atau perosotan dilapangan yang penuh tanah dan lumpur, tidak bisa atau bahkan jarang mereka temukan di kota,  semua sudah memakai lapangan yang di ganti dengan cor an semen, Dan ini pun mulai berdampak pada anak2 di desa. 

  Padahal Kreatifitas Dan motorik anak bekerja saat semua pikiran Dan imajinasi mereka lepas di alam liar. Banyak contoh yang bisa kita ambil di sekitar kita. Anak-anak adalah asset yang sangat berharga di muka bumi ini,  jadi selayaknya kita Lebih memperhatikan perkembangan mereka sesuai apa yang mereka butuhkan daripada apa yang mereka perlukan. 

Keceriaan yang sudah mulai Pupus

Friday 3 November 2017

November 3rd , 2017


melihat kebahagiaan mereka saat belajar dan antusias dalam menerima pelajaran adalah hal paling menyenang agi seorang  guru. Minat belajar diimbangi dengan membaca dan praktek dalam pengajaran membuat anak-anak tidak bosan dalam melakukan kegiatan ngajar mengajar ini, setiap akhir sesi guru selalu memberikan test dengan cara yang lain dari yang lain, sambil bermain tidak menyulitkan mereka untuk belajar. Tentu bermain disini bukan bermain yang biasa di lakukan antar sesama mereka. Bermain disini adalah mengajak mereka ikut terlibat dalam game atau quiz yang tidak memberatkan mereka.

Sebagai seorang guru harus pandai-pandai melihat situasi dan kondisi yang sedang berlangsung saat ngajar mengajar, agar tidak ada waktu yang monoton sehingga anak-anak semakin tertarik belajar.

Di tempat tinggal ku, kami selalu melakukan les bahasa inggris setiap hari minggu. Melihat jumlah mereka belajar dari waktu ke watu semakin ramai membuat saya menjadi semangat mengajarnya. Bearti apa yang sudah di lakukan sangat berkesan oleh mereka, kegiatan ini memang sengaja di lakukan saat minggu sore sehingga mereka santai menjalaninya, tentu ini tidak ada unsur paksaan untuk wajib datang setiap minggu. Tapi ini semua murni niat anak-anak itu sendiri yang sangat tertarik belajar bahasa inggris.

Saya dan segenap guru-guru di komplek ini sangat berterima kasih kepada seluruh anak-anak ini, karena kehadiran dan antusias mereka dalam belajar sangat besar. Ini segelintir generasi baru yang masih kuat dalam menimba ilmu ditengah-tengah pesatnya kemajuan tekhnologi.


November, 3rd 2017
The Children

They were children with zeal high who always come for getting knowledge, they have desirability enough to change their future. We were as teachers only bridge for their dreams. The children is new generation for this country deservedly our as teacher give the best we can do for them.

Protecting the children not assignment of organization only but us as parents or adult should protect them also. Most of children become victim human trafficking and violence in streets, at home or around their environment. By this smart house we all are trying to embrace each others. This smart house we all same, not view from race, religion and others. Thank to all society in this place who already be figure out important within this program.

Marvelous effects about this program, many children come to learn in this place. Not only that figure out from society and their parents, but also around they environment can enhanger this program as well as possible. I am so proud with them, thanks for they are done and helped.

My advice is:

Start battle at this moment don’t a wait until you old, preserve what can you preserve as well as you can. And see what happen.


Monday 30 October 2017


This week lesson about KNITTING AND ADHERING; Knitting is a method by which yarn is manipulated to create a textile or fabric for use in many types of garments. As beginning Knitters they were enough patients to learn it. Not easy be a knitter this needs many time to get the purpose, they have been meeting twice to learn it. I admitted that I was jealous with them, where they able to do it in meeting twice. Bravo for them, this smart house not only for learn kids but also for their parents. With this method we can empower good society with good skill also.

This lesson has been leaded by Buk Iluh and her friends. With pleasure Buk Iluh teach them step by step, thanks for Buk Iluh already sharing her knowledge. And for them (housewives) enthusiastically accept  this new knowledge, with this they not only stay at home without do anything, start right now they can development themselves and also able to sell result of them creation, this was good solution to help their husband in economic. Not forget this lesson always doing every Friday.

Beside that any other activity already they done, the activity was WEAVING; WEAVING were made from materials like cotton, silk with gold and silver yarn as well as fibers of local plants and trees. But in here smart house we use wearing were from goods second such as plastics of beverage or others same plastics. You can see result of the weaving this below.

 Early Childhood teachers were teaching adheres, these adhering were using colored paper and scissors for cuts paper that. The teacher teaching cut of colored paper be medium of pieces and then adhere on others paper. The children do it joy and cheers, each meeting has new lesson give for them.  


Wednesday 25 October 2017

 Wednesday, October 25, 2017



Giving something valuable for them as long as you can breathe in this earth because of the time cannot await. Helping one another can make you feel very comfort, ability you have don’t you throw without result. My this article I show it for them who had been helping all programs in smart house, we start from zero to hero for them, one by one the children came to smart house unanimous they doing one step for coming the place for get more knowledge beside their school.

This time I am going to teach about English and Arabic Malay lesson, both of them have homework about it, where I should help them for finishing their homework one by one, this was awesome, for first stepping I teach them with English lesson about “USING BE”, I just continuing their lesson with teacher before, where the teacher already taught them formula to build a sentence with “S + TO BE + ADJECTIVE, ADJECTIVE AND NOUN. And now I just continue with Negative BE (adding NOT).

Second lesson about Arabic Malay, even though they were not from Muslim, they kept learn Arabic Malay, in here we can see that this smart house can bring together of them with other side life, with this event we can aware that difference cannot be separated with them one another. When I look them to learn the lesson it. my felt very cheer and joy about it, I expected the children ability to receive this lesson with very well and also hope all people has same mind and commitment to keep teach them.

Indeed, these all should do with pleasure heart not others. Because they were deserve it. These children were new generation for this country and they deserve same thing with other children without difference. I hope with this an article I can help them more than this.

In here I also take some of photos about their residential environment.


Saturday 21 October 2017

Friday, October 20, 2017

Lesson this morning at smart house about BATIK, BATIK is at one art famous from Indonesia, batik from all provinces in Indonesia but mostly from java, every province has different motive, each motive has different purpose also. As Indonesian Our try to introduce the Batik to children from now, when they still childhood, we started with easy example. We used tissue as first object, because tissues easier than others object to absorb of liquid. And for colouring our use food colouring, so it’s safe for their use.

Each child got chance for making theirs batik, they were very enthusiasms for following these lesson. These practices did by others teachers, they were new teachers, I myself so proud with all they have been doing with these smart house special for children every meeting we all have new lesson for them. I expected for next meeting the children could came more than this, because they still need encouragement not only from teacher but also their parents.

We all here supports their parents for good activities instance are building good communication one another with do other activities for them. Besides that, in here we also inviting them with do increase other skill beside be a housewife. For these activities we have other special teacher with excellent skill they are Buk Illuh teacher of knit,Buk Lastri Simbolon, Buk Maryati, Hasanah, and Helwina are early childhood Teachers, Buk Lastri not only early childhood teacher but also for elementary teacher, Buk Eko, and her friends teacher special for religion and also knit. In here created togetherness each other even though we all have difference race, religion, skin and outlook.

You all can see all our activities in smart house Batam with these photos and a video.


Wednesday 18 October 2017


T ogetherness each other making all peoples happy and had new spirit. Help each other made our life more important than before, we life not only for laughing and making a bad issue for consuming and satisfying of ourselves. Life not to use for only that, you do more than you can. In society life, our prosecute for doing better and better and get the best result. I’m myself proud about what already they done for this, in my environment life stay so care one another. Although, we have different vision and mission but our still doing all as well as our can. Here the people were not looking difference although they are from other religions, race, and colour of skin. We all need this… right.

This are all society in my place, you can see photos of them in here, they were mutual assistance every Sunday start in the morning until afternoon, I’m so proud had them and around them. these all people who always care with health in our environment 



Education is very important for all peoples where each of them can get it in whenever they are invariably.  I expect education can belongs all children, because of that I write this an article.

There were my activities at “smart house” I became a teacher in there, I have been teaching more less 3 months. Many experiences I found in there, as long as I taught in there I saw many of people need helps special for children, One of problem this education when they have not enough money to pay the school fee, such I seen before there still has children, where they quit school  in progress . I found a case like that, when I went to their place. The first problem there at jobs, mostly parents of students lost their jobs in because of leastwise vacancy in here.

Mostly of them work in house assistant and scavenger, even so, they still keeping spirit looking money for sending their children to school until finish. As I know their parents work not far from their place. Nevertheless, I and other teacher very happy to teach them and we can share knowledge our have. we can see all smile of them by these photos

Smart House in Batam

Friday 6 October 2017


Only one a word but full meaning, I don’t know what must I do for this word “LIFE”, very difficult or easier but one thing I know this life must go on although whatever is, you keep fight until die. This is not still beginning nor ending, I’m very thanks for they have been giving me this is suffering in the end I know what is a life. Formerly I am always wasting my time with complain and complain why my life such is, can people give me explains all about this are situations. But after I join with a community where I can share my knowledge each other people can touch it. For fit time I am very lazy and only seeing they are. as long as time be elapsed my heart interested with this social, after that I decide to join with my pleasure to help they who need helps. Not easy to face the children with many characteristics where do you be prosecuted to be good in front them. It’s not approach with me but I can handle it.

I had been teaching them more less 2 months, at there I had been found warm feeling where our can touch each other without seeing religion, race, customs and many more. As a Muslim I had not constraint with others peoples. As human being our have who one Allah/God but with manner different for praying. We all same in front HIM eyes. My mind cannot receive that our have different in set a going this life, human is social human being, and religion is have all people in the world (universal). Nevertheless, other side still many people have bad mind set about this. Whatever is and who they are, they were only people with different outlook, I just saying that we cannot look them one viewpoint only however our can look them from all viewpoints.

I am very sad with all have they done for their family but still not enough because they have limitation in skill and education, they are only graduate of elementary school and break of their school because of their economics. You can imagine with this era high tech our still found people like them. I was not blame them but I am very shock with this all. For example: a child must break off his school because his economic family not enough for the education, this is only at one example nor other’s. These were my experiences as long as I am teaching at “RUMAH PINTAR” OR “HOUSE SMART”. Education is soul of a country or state. I hope this is can give you all motivation and rise up your sour for help each other.

Tuesday 21 February 2017

Jonatan Christie soal Kendala dan Histerisnya Penonton Tiap Kali Dia Buka Baju

Surabaya - Jonatan Christie mengakui ada sejumlah hal yang cukup mengganggu penampilannya di Djarum Superliga Badminton 2017. Dia juga bicara soal histerisnya penonton.

Jonatan memastikan kemenangan Musica Champions atas Hitachi di DBL Arena, Senin (20/2/2017) malam WIB. Tampil di partai ketiga, dia menang atas Koji Naito 21-13 dan 21-14. Musica Champions sendiri pada akhirnya menang telak 5-0.

Meski menang relatif mudah, pemain 19 tahun itu mengaku ada tantangan seperti hembusan angin dan juga shuttle cock yang kurang stabil.

"Tadi ada kesulitan sedikit di angin, terus shuttle cock-nya. Shuttle cock ini kan gak biasa dipakai di GP atau superseries ya. Jadi agak cepat rusak, agak gampang mekar jadi tidak stabil bolanya," ujarnya kepada para wartawan usai pertandingan.

Jonatan juga bicara soal bagaimana penonton selalu histeris setiap kali dia berganti baju di lapangan. Karena selalu mendapatkan teriakan histeris dari penonton, dia mengaku sempat tak ingin melakukannya namun pada akhirnya tak punya pilihan.

"Bersyukur juga dengan dukungan fans. Pastinya senang. Gak tau kenapa setiap saya buka baju pada teriak. Saya sendiri juga bingung," ujarnya.

"Tadi jujur sebenarnya gak mau buka baju. Cuma bahan bajunya ini agak tidak meresap keringat. Jadi tadi lapangan jadi ikut licin. Akhirnya terpaksa buka baju," demikian Jonatan.


Djarum Superliga Badminton 2017

Saturday 18 February 2017

Turin - Pelatih Juventus Massimiliano Allegri menepis anggapan tiga poin dari laga melawan Palermo cuma formalitas belaka. Menurutnya, tiga poin tersebut bisa jadi akan sangat berharga dalam perburuan gelar.

Juventus meraih poin penuh setelah mengalahkan Palermo 4-1 dalam lanjutan Serie A di Juventus Stadium, Sabtu (18/2/2017) dinihari WIB. Hasil ini memperpanjang rentetan kemenangan kandang Bianconeri di Serie A menjadi 29 kemenangan.

Paulo Dybala tampil gemilang dengan sumbangan dua gol dan satu assist. Dua gol Juve lainnya dicetak oleh Claudio Marchisio dan Gonzalo Higuain.

(Baca juga: Dybala Dua Gol, Juventus Gasak Palermo 4-1)

"Para pemain mengakhiri babak pertama dengan keunggulan 2-0 meski tak bermain bagus," ujar Allegri kepada Mediaset Premium.

Kemenangan ini memantapkan posisi Juve di puncak klasemen Serie A dengan 63 poin dari 25 laga. Juve unggul 10 poin atas AS Roma yang menjadi pesaing terdekat. 

"Ini adalah pertandingan liga dengan tiga poin yang sama berharganya dengan tiga poin saat melawan Inter," ucap Allegri.

"Satu laga berkurang untuk menuju scudetto dan saya memberi selamat kepada para pemain untuk cara mereka menghadapi laga ini," katanya.

Juventus selanjutnya akan menghadapi Porto di leg pertama babak 16 besar Liga Champions, tengah pekan depan.


Tiga Poin Berharga untuk Juventus

London - Antonio Conte yakin bisa mempertahankan Diego Costa di Chelsea. Akan tetapi, untuk urusan kontrak baru Costa, Conte akan memikirkannya setelah musim ini selesai.

Costa, yang sudah mencetak 15 gol untuk Chelsea pada musim ini, masih terikat kontrak hingga 2019 mendatang. Namun, Sky Sports melaporkan bahwa Costa dan Chelsea sedang melakukan negosiasi terkait perpanjangan kontrak.

Costa sempat disebut-sebut tergoda oleh tawaran dari klub China, Tianjin Quanjian, beberapa waktu lalu. Tianjin kabarnya bersedia membayar penyerang internasional Spanyol itu 30 juta poundsterling per tahun.

Meski tawaran fantastis semacam itu mungkin saja kembali mengganggu Costa di masa mendatang, Conte tak buru-buru untuk memagari si pemain dengan kontrak baru. Baginya, yang terpenting saat ini adalah upaya Chelsea untuk mengakhiri musim dengan trofi di tangan.

"Saya tak tahu tentang situasi ini karena saya pikir sekarang sangat penting untuk fokus ke masa kini dan tak terlalu jauh melihat ke depan," ujar Conte di Sky Sports.

"Saya pikir sekarang untuk para pemain, untuk orang-orang yang bekerja untuk Chelsea, dan untuk saya, penting untuk fokus ke masa sekarang. Pada akhir musim kita lihat saja situasinya," lanjut manajer asal Italia itu.

Ditanya apakah dirinya yakin bisa mempertahankan Costa, Conte menjawab: "Ya, saya yakin. Tapi, saya ulangi lagi bahwa sekarang penting untuk fokus ke masa kini," katanya.

"Pertandingan besok melawan Wolverhampton (di babak kelima Piala FA) adalah masa kini. Kami harus lolos ke babak berikutnya dan akan lebih baik untuk menghadapi situasi itu pada akhir musim," ujar Conte.

Kontrak Baru Diego Costa Bukan Prioritas Conte

Madrid - Barcelona secara mengejutkan menelan kekalahan telak dari Paris Saint-Germain di babak 16 besar Liga Champions. Apa kata pelatih Real Madrid Zinedine Zidane terkait kekalahan Barca?

Barca babak belur saat mendatangi Parc des Princes pada Selasa (14/2/2017) lalu. Blaugrana dipermak PSG dengan skor mencolok 0-4.

Kekalahan telak tersebut menipiskan peluang Barca untuk terus melaju di Liga Champions. Pasalnya, mereka harus gantian mengalahkan PSG dengan selisih minimal lima gol di Camp Nou untuk membalikkan keadaan.

Kalau pun pada akhirnya Barca tersisih dari Liga Champions, Zidane yakin hal itu tak akan berpengaruh terhadap perebutan gelar juara La Liga.

"Jika Barcelona tersingkir, itu tak akan mengubah La Liga. Kami cuma memikirkan apa yang kami lakukan," ujar Zidane seperti dikutip Soccerway.

"Dalam kekalahan itu, kita melihat PSG yang sangat kuat dan Barcelona yang bermain tak terlalu baik. Tapi, selalu ada leg kedua dan Anda harus bermain. Kami tahu Barca adalah tim yang sangat bagus dan mereka masih bisa melakukan berbagai hal di dalam kompetisi ini," imbuhnya.

Zidane mengaku terkesan dengan apa yang telah diperlihatkan oleh PSG. Tapi, dia memperingatkan bahwa jalan untuk menjadi juara Liga Champions tak akan mudah.

"Mereka punya potensi besar dan termasuk favorit. Tapi, jalannya akan panjang dan berat dan akan seperti itu sampai akhir," ujar Zidane.

"Satu hasil tidak menjadikan Anda pemenang Liga Champions," katanya.

Madrid sendiri melalui leg pertama babak 16 besar Liga Champions dengan mengalahkan wakil Italia, Napoli, dengan skor 3-1.

Liga Champions: Zidane Komentari Kekalahan Telak Barca dari PSG

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